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Etymology (name meaning): Magikoopa with f's (for Fawful) replacing the K and P.

Location(s): Bowser's Castle (Underground)

Additional Info: May pair up with Fawful Guys.


Credit to the Super Mario Wiki for 3DS remake stats and item drop chances.
Game HP POW DEF SPEED EXP Coins Item(s)
DS: 124 80 58 85 260 50 Ultrasyrup Jar (10%)
Vengeance Cape (20%)
3DS: 124 88 64 85 260 50 Ultrasyrup Jar (10%)
Vengeance Scarf (20%)


BIS 3DS Hint: Defeat Magifoofas Quickly: If you're facing off against a squad of Magifoofas, you'll want to take them out before they can heal other enemies. Pay attention to the shapes they throw - each one has a different trajectory. The round shape in particular has a tricky bounce!

Bowser Jr.'s Journey:
"A Magikoopa that resembles Fawful. It's a powerful foe, but has difficulty fighting against Bowser Jr.".
Spanish (NOA): "Magikoopa that gives off a Fawful feeling. It is a powerful enemy, but it is not easy for it to face Bowser Jr.".
(Original: "Magikoopa que le da un aire a Fawful. Es un enemigo poderoso, pero no le resulta fácil enfrentarse a Bowser Jr.".)
French (NOA): "A Magikoopa that resembles Fawful quite a lot. It is a formidable adversary, but it stands no chance against Bowser Jr.".
(Original: "Un Magikoopa ressemblant beaucoup à Faffreux. C'est un adversaire redoutable, mais il n'est pas de taille face à Bowser Jr.".)
German: "A Magikoopa who resembles Fawful. A dangerous opponent, but it doesn't get along well with Bowser Jr.".
(Original: "Kamek, der Krankfried ähnelt. Ein gefährlicher Gegner, aber mit Bowser Jr. kommt er nicht gut zurecht".)
French (NOE): "A Magikoopa looking like Fawful. It’s a formidable foe, but it seems to struggle when facing Bowser Jr.".
(Original: "Un Kamek aux airs de Gracowitz. C'est un ennemi redoutable, mais il semble avoir du mal lorsqu'il affronte Bowser Jr.".)
Spanish (NOE): "What has Fawful done to this Magikoopa? It is a powerful enemy, but it won't be easy for it to face Bowser Jr.".
(Original: "¿Qué le ha hecho Grácovitz a este Kamek? Es un enemigo poderoso, pero no le resultará fácil enfrentarse a Bowsy".)
Italian: "A Magikoopa whose features resemble Fawful. It is a powerful enemy, but it finds some difficulty in dealing with Bowser Jr."
(Original: "Un Kamek le cui fattezze ricordano Sogghigno. È un nemico potente, ma trova qualche difficoltà ad affrontare Bowser Junior".)
Japanese: "A Magikoopa with some aspects of Fawful. It is a formidable opponent, but Bowser Jr. seems difficult for it to fight".
(Original: "グラコビッツの面影があるカメック。手強い相手だがクッパJr.とは戦いにくい様子。".)

Prima Guide: "Magifoofas are Magikoopas that have come under the spell of Fawful. The Magifoofas have similar attacks to the Magikoopas', such as powerful magic wands that release energy. Although, not all the Magifoofa magic in the kingdom will stop Bowser, who is able to step on Magifoofas in the Field without breaking a sweat.
Watch for the Magifoofa's sign. If the Magifoofa dips its wand, it is aiming for Luigi. If the wand goes up, Mario is the target.
The Magifoofa casts its first spell by waving its wand and sending three glowing shapes into the air. These shapes swirl around before turning into a big green bean. This bean is not healthy like the ones that the heroes dig up in the Mushroom Kingdom. This bean must be jumped over as it bounces across the ground.
When the Magifoofa's wand flashes yellow, it is about to release the magic shapes again, but this time they do not turn into a bean. Instead, the shapes soar overhead and twirl about until they harden into stone. Then, they fall directly in front of the targeted brother. Each shape that falls has a different bounce pattern. The square and triangle must be jumped over. However, stay put when the circle drops because it just bounces harmlessly overhead.
When the Magifoofa's wand shines green, it is about to heal another monster in the fight. There is nothing the Bros. can do to stop this spell". (Pages 165 + 166)

M&LRPG3 Perfect Guide Book: "A monster that attacks using magic. If the magic creates a circular shape, you will receive damage if you jump.".
(Original: "魔法を使って攻撃するモンスター。丸い図形を描いて魔法を使ったときは、ジャンプするとダメージを受けてしまう。") (Page 223)

Nintendo DREAM: "A Green Magikoopa that wander the basement of Bowser's Castle. It uses magical powers to create shapes in the sky, which it then drops to attack. There are three shapes 〇☐△, and they fall at random. Each shape has a different trajectory after falling, so pay close attention to the shape as it falls and jump to avoid it. If the shape magic fails, a bean will fall instead. If there is an enemy on the battlefield whose health is below 60%, there is a 40% chance it will heal them. Its magic heals 30 HP".
(Original: "クッパ城地下を俳個している緑のカメック。魔法の力で上空に図形を発生させ、それを落として攻撃してくる。図形の形は〇☐△の3種類があり、ランダムで落ちてくる。図形によって落下後の軌道が異なるので、落ちてくる形をよく見てジャンプして避けていこう。 図形魔法に失敗するとマメが落ちてくる。また、バトル場に体力が60%以下になった敵がいると40%の確率で回復させる。そのときの回復量は30。") (Page 155)

Nintendo DREAM and M&LRPG3 Perfect Guide Books are translated from Japanese to English (and the text was obtained via an image scanner) so it may not be very accurate.