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Sea Pipe Statue

Etymology (name meaning): N/A

Location(s): Plack Beach

Additional Info: The first encountered fawfulized minion.

STATS (Statue Base)

Credit to the Super Mario Wiki for 3DS remake stats and item drop chances.
Game HP POW DEF SPEED EXP Coins Item(s)
DS: 320 40 36 32 120 50 Hot Drumstick (100%)
1-Up Deluxe (40%)
3DS: 198 86 18 32 120 50 Rookie Wear (100%)

STATS (Stone Blooper)

Game HP POW DEF SPEED EXP Coins Item(s)
DS: 320 16 16 28 30 0 N/A
3DS: 198 16 10 21 30 0 N/A


BIS 3DS Hint: Defeating Stone Blooper: You can't hit a Stone Blooper when it's perched on a Sea Pipe Statue. Try using Vacuum before attacking. Once you inhale the Stone Blooper and attack it repeatedly inside Bowser's body, it will get angry and charge from the air. Watch its angle carefully and try to counter-attack! If you counter successfully, the Stone Blooper will fly outside of Bowser's body and crash into the Sea Pipe statue. When this happens, it's your chance to pummel the Stone Blooper with attacks. Try to deal as much damage as possible before it returns to the statue.

Bowser Jr.'s Journey: N/A

Prima Guide: "The north end of the beach is marked with the Sea Pipe Statue, constructed out of a few warp pipes and a Stone Blooper. However, the statue isn't functioning as it should. There is no water flowing from the pipes. The cause of the problem soon becomes apparant...
Fawful has performed some sort of trickery on the statue and brought it to life with one sole purpose: to fight Bowser.
Bowser must use his new Vacuum Attack on the Sea Pipe Statue. He cannot reach the statue.
Inside Bowser, the Stone Blooper of the statue attacks the Bros. Here is where real damage can be done against the statue.
The Stone Blooper does escape Bowser's belly after a few turns, though. Bowser can smack the Stone Blooper with his fists in counterattacks that do damage to the creep.
Once the battle with the Sea Pipe Statue is won, Bowser finds himself trapped in a sudden growth of palm trees on Plack Beach." (Pages 38 + 39)

"The Sea Pipe Statue at the northern end of Plack Beach is under the spell of Fawful. The toothy villain has brought this statue to life and directed it to use its pipes not to release water on the parched sands, but to launch the Stone Blooper that rests atop the statue at Bowser at such speeds it will do tremendous damage. The Stone Blooper can be separated from the statue, though, which is the key to defeating it. Split the battle's work between Mario and Luigi inside the Koopa King and Bowser himself and the statue will soon revert back to its intended state as aesthetically pleasing and functional beach art.
Don't even bother trying to punch the Sea Pipe Statue. The statue ducks away from Bowser's incoming blows. Instead, use Bowser's turns to heal up with items. Or use the vacuum attack to draw the Stone Blooper inside Bowser so Mario and Luigi can attack it.
At this point, Bowser has not yet learned how to defend himself against incoming attacks. He can only repel them with his fists, which is a great way to damage the Sea Pipe Statue. The statue uses its pipes as cannons to launch the Stone Blooper toward Bowser. Watch the pipes to see what attack is on the way. If the left arm drops level to the ground, the Stone Blooper will blast out and give Bowser only a second to react with a punch. If the pipe is pointing toward the sky, Bowser has a little more time to ready a punch. Either way, smacking the Stone Blooper blasts it back at the statue and does damage.
When the Stone Blooper is inside Bowser, it will sometimes drill into the floor. This doesn't hurt the Bros. at all, but it does a bit of damage to Bowser.
Inside Bowser, the Stone Blooper has two attacks. The first is a slow-moving float through the air. The Stone Blooper lazes toward the ceiling, drifting over the Bros. Watch to see which one the Stone Blooper shadows and then be ready with a hammer to strike it as it drops down for its attack.
When the Stone Blooper turns red, it is about to escape Bowser's body and launch a sharp attack on the Bros. The Stone Blooper signals which hero it targets by bowing toward him. (If the bow is really deep, Luigi is the target. If it does what looks like a small curtsey it's going for Mario.) The Stone Blooper speeds towards the bro, giving him only a second to react with a hammer strike.
Use the Green Shell Special Attack to pound the Stone Blooper when it is close to the ground". (Pages 172 + 173)

M&LRPG3 Perfect Guide Book: "If you use the vacuum attack, you can suck up the Stone Blooper on top. The vacuum ability is essential to weakening it, so keep aiming for it".
(Original: "バキュームを使えば、上のゲッソーのぞうだけを吸い込める。弱体させるにはバキュームが必須なので、どんどん狙っていこう。") (Page 205)

Nintendo DREAM: "Normally, you can't do any damage with a punch, so first suck up the Stone Blooper with a vacuum attack and let Mario and friends fight it. It will return to its body after 2-3 turns, but you can attack it freely until it regains composure. Once it has returned to proper position, you can use the vacuum ability again".
(Original: "普通にバンチを当ててもダメージを与えられないので、まずはバキュームでゲッソーのぞうを吸いこみ、マリオたちに戦わせよう。2~3ターンで体外へ復帰するが、敵が態勢を立て直すまでは一方的に攻撃できる。態勢を立て直されたら再びバキュームを使えばいい。") (Page 166)

Nintendo DREAM and M&LRPG3 Perfect Guide Books are translated from Japanese to English (and the text was obtained via an image scanner) so it may not be very accurate.