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Mawful Mole

Etymology (name meaning): Fawful + Monty Mole

Location(s): Blubble Lake

Additional Info: One of the few fawfulized minions to speak (3DS remake only). They help repair the Tower of Yikk during its giant battle. Has a metal / dark variant.


Credit to the Super Mario Wiki for 3DS remake stats and item drop chances.
Game HP POW DEF SPEED EXP Coins Item(s)
DS: 154 56 77 38 230 45 Super Nut (10%)
Hustle Socks (20%)
3DS: 154 90 76 38 230 45 Super Nut (15%)
Hustle Socks (10%)


BIS 3DS Hint: Mawful Mole's Stone Throws: When Mawful Mole is holding a stone, pay attention to its glasses. If they're covered with dirt, it will throw the stone overhead.

Bowser Jr.'s Journey: N/A

Prima Guide: "The Mawful Mole is one of those smallish enemies that is easily trampled by Bowser, but a problem for Mario and Luigi. The underground underling loves to pop up right near the Bros. and challenge them to a fight. As long as the heroes know what to expect from this burrowing baddie, they'll have an easier time getting out with as much HP and EXP as possible.
The Mawful Mole reveals its target with a glint in its goggles. If the left lens flashes, Mario is the target. If the right lens flashes, then Luigi is about to get it.
The Mawful Mole has a burrowing attack where it digs deep and then pops up in front of the Bros., moving back and forth between the pair until it finally jumps out and does physical damage. When the mole is popping up in front of the Bros., it is exposed to hammer strikes. Bop the Mawful Mole in the noggin a couple of times to send it back across the battlefield with a headache.
The second Mafwul Mole attack is to throw a boulder at the Bros. The Mawful Mole flashes which bro it is targeting, as before, and burrows deep. However, instead of popping up directly in front of the targeted hero, the mole appears about halfway across the battlefield. The mole then throws a rock at Mario or Luigi. Jump over the incoming boulder.
Sometimes the Mawful Mole pops out of the ground with dirt over its goggles. Despite being unable to see, the Mawful Mole still throws the boulder. However, don't jump! The blinded mole accidentally tosses the rock right over the hero." (Page 161)

M&LRPG3 Perfect Guide Book: "When it's about to throw a rock, pay attention to its face when it emerges from the ground. If it has dirt on its face, it will throw overly high, so you will be hit if you jump."
(Original: "岩投げのときは、地面から出した顔に注目。顔に土がついているときは上のほうに岩を投げるため、ジャンプすると当たってしまう。") (Page 213)

Nintendo DREAM: "A mole-like enemy that traverses in and out of the ground at Blubble Lake. When Bowser passes by, they dive to the ground and flee, but with Mario and company, they attack by throwing rocks. It uses two types of attacks in battle: a rock-throwing attack and a whack-a-mole attack, where it dives into the ground and leaps into the hero. If its glasses light up when it attacks, it is going to do the whack-a-mole attack.
If its glasses glow before it goes under the ground, it will do the whack-a-mole attack. It will pop up from the ground 1 - 3 times, and on the fourth time it will ram into you. You can tell who it will attack by what direction the glasses glow.
When it springs from the ground, you can hit it wtih a hammer to deal damage".
(Original: "ヅツーダレイクで地面を出入りしている、 モグラのような敵。クッパで通るときは近づくと地面に潜って逃げてしまうが、マリオたちの場合は岩を投げて攻撃してくる。バトルでの攻撃アクションは、岩を投げての攻撃と、地面に潜って体当たりするモグラ町きアタックの2パターン。攻撃する際にメガネが光ると、モグラ町きアタックをしてくるぞ。(。。。) 地面に潜る前、メガネが光ったらモグラ即きアタック。1~3回地面から顔を出し、4回目に体当たり攻撃をしてくるが、そのときにどちらを攻撃するかがわかる。メガネが光ったほうへ攻撃してくるぞ (。。。) 類を出したときにハンマーでたたけ、ダメージをーえられる") (Page 139)

Nintendo DREAM and M&LRPG3 Perfect Guide Books are translated from Japanese to English (and the text was obtained via an image scanner) so it may not be very accurate.