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Etymology (name meaning): Fawful + Grasshopper

Location(s): Blubble Lake

Additional Info:


Credit to the Super Mario Wiki for 3DS remake stats and item drop chances.
Game HP POW DEF SPEED EXP Coins Item(s)
DS: 96 48 56 90 200 40 Super Mushroom (5%)
Supersyrup Jar (30%)
3DS: 96 102 72 90 200 40 Super Mushroom (15%)
Supersyrup Jar (30%)


BIS 3DS Hint: Avoiding Fawflopper's Attacks: Fawflopper has two jumping attacks, one from an elevated position, and the other from the front. Before he uses his tackle attack where he jumps in the air, his body will glow red. Watch out for a feint during his front tackle! If he laughs before attacking, he will jump above Mario and Luigi's heads.

Bowser Jr.'s Journey: N/A

Prima Guide: "Fawfloppers are tiny bugs like the Fawflants. Instead of drilling toward the Bros. with their tails, the Fawfloppers are spring-loaded. These insects leap into the air to attack the Bros., giving them time to react to the jump. The higher the Fawflopper jumps, the easier it is to strike it down with a hammer blow.
The Fawfloppers are too small for Bowser to trifle with. He stomps on them without hesitation, pocketing coins with each satisfying squish.
The Fawflopper has two attacks. The first is a direct jump at the Bros. Fawfloppers have signs for this attack, though. Watch the face of the Fawflopper about to jump. If the Fawflopper looks away, it is going for Mario. If the Fawflopper looks toward you, it is aiming for Luigi. The Fawflopper then leaps into the air. Jump just as the Fawflopper starts arcing down to safely avoid damage.
When the Fawflopper draws in energy like this, it is about to make a giant leap over the Bros. and come down on their heads. The Fawflopper makes several jumps into the air, like it is going up some giant, invisible stairs. Use these big leaps to figure out which brother is being targeted. If the Fawflopper stops short of the edge of the screen, it is going for Luigi. If it stops closer to the midpoint, Mario is the target. Be ready with a hammer and smack the Fawflopper down as it descends". (Pages 161 + 162)

M&LRPG3 Perfect Guide Book: "It indicates who it will attack by the motion of its head. If it laughs after moving its head, don't jump: it will attack mid-jump."
(Original: "攻撃まえの顔の動きで、誰を狙うかがわかる。顔を動かしたあとに笑った場合、高い位置に体当たりするのでジャンプはしないこと。") (Page 219)

Nintendo DREAM: "A small enemy that inhabits Blubble Lake. It has two types of attack: a direct strike and aerial attack where it rises into the upper screen area and slams down from above. If a blue light appears before the attack, it will do an aerial attack. In either case, the enemy will look at who it will attack beforehand, so watch carefully. Watch out for their high SPEED stat, especially at a low level".
(Original: "ツツーダレイクに生息する、小さな敵。攻撃アクションは2パターンあり、直接体当たりと上画面まで昇って頭上から体当たりをする空中ジャンプ体当たりがある。攻撃前に青い光が出たら空中ジャンプ体当たりだ。どちらも攻撃をする前に、攻撃するほうを見るのでしっかりと見ておこう。SPEEDが高く、レベルが低いうちは先制を取られやすいので気をつけよう。") (Page 148)

Nintendo DREAM and M&LRPG3 Perfect Guide Books are translated from Japanese to English (and the text was obtained via an image scanner) so it may not be very accurate.