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Etymology (name meaning): Fawful + Ant

Location(s): Toad Town Caves

Additional Info: One of the few fawfulized minions to speak. Can shapeshift / disguise.


Credit to the Super Mario Wiki for 3DS remake stats and item drop chances.
Game HP POW DEF SPEED EXP Coins Item(s)
DS: 100 42 34 56 70 30 Supersyrup Jar (5%)
Super Nut (30%)
3DS: 70 65 52 56 70 30 Supersyrup Jar (40%)
Super Nut (20%)


Bowser Jr.'s Journey:
"A bug monster that resembles Fawful. Be careful when it charges ahead with the drill on its rear!"
Spanish (NOA): "Why is it that this monstrous insect looks so much like Fawful? Be very careful near the drill on its rear..."
(Original: "¿Por qué será que este insecto monstruoso se parece tanto a Fawful? Ten mucho cuidado con el taladro que tiene en la retaguardia...")
French (NOA): "This insect looks a bit like Fawful. Be careful if it rushes at you with its stinger".
(Original: "Cet insecte ressemble un peu à Faffreux. Prends garde s'il te fonce dessus avec son dard".)
German: "An insect monster resembling Fawful. Beware of the drill on its abdomen when it goes on a charging trip!"
(Original: "Ein Insektenmonster, das Krankfried ähneit. Hüte dich vor dem Bohrer an ihrem Hinterleib, wenn sie einen Aua-Ausflug unternimmt!!")
French (NOE): "This insect looks like Fawful. Be careful when it rushes at you with the drill on its abdomen!"
(Original: "Cet insecte a des airs de Gracowitz. Prenez garde lorsqu'il vous fonce dessus avec la vrille de son abdomen!")
Spanish (NOE): "What relationship exists between Fawful and this monstrous bug that resembles him so much? Don't trust its attack from the rear... Not yours, but its!"
(Original: "¿Qué relación existe entre Grácovitz y este bicho monstruoso que tanto se le parece? No te ties de su ataque por la retaguardia... No la tuya, ¡sino la suya!")
Italian: "An insect who is very similar to Fawful, and a real danger when it charges the enemy with its rear drill!"
(Original: "Un insetto molto somigliante a Sogghigno. È un vero pericolo quando carica il nemico con la sua trivella posteriore!")
Japanese: "A bug monster with some aspects of Fawful. Be careful when it starts to charge with its rear drill!"
(Original: "グラコビッツの面影がある虫のモンスター。お尻のドリルでとっしんしてきたら要注意!".)

Prima Guide: "The tiny Fawflant is a real troublemaker for Mario and Luigi. Its size and speed make it difficult to hit and avoid, but even worse, the Fawflant poisons whomever it touches. That means the Bros. either need to finish the battle right away or waste a turn using a Refreshing Herb.
The Fawflant has two attacks, both of them are based on backing its shard, drill-like tail into Mario and Luigi.
The Fawflants can use their turns to double their attacks. The Fawflants walk off-screen and then charge in from each side. You must jump over each of them as they pass under the heroes. The Fawflants often time their marches so the jumps are not at the same time. The Fawflants can also choose to team up on a single hero and come at him from both sides.
When the Fawflants attack alone, they signal who is the targeted brother. If the Fawflant looks away, it is going for Mario. If the Fawflant looks toward the screen, it is targeting Luigi. As the Fawflant approaches, ready a hammer strike. Pound the Fawflant before it pokes the targeted hero and poisons him". (Pages 159 & 160)

M&LRPG3 Perfect Guide Book: "When there is only one enemy, it will do a drill ram, and when there are two or more enemies, it will use a drill ram in formation. In either case, if the Bros. get hit, they may rarely get poisoned."
(Original: "1体のときはドリル体当たり、2体以上いるときは隊列体当たりをする。どちらも、当たるとまれにどく状態になってしまう。") (Page 216)

Nintendo DREAM: "An enemy with a drill attached to its abdomen that lives underneath Toad Town. It has two kinds of drill-based attacks. Both of the attacks have a 30% chance of poisoning the victim.
When there are two or more Fawflants on the battlefield they will ram into you from both sides, so avoid them by jumping.
When it is doing the drill ramming attack, pay attention to the direction of its face. It will attack in the direction it is facing. It may charge in zigzags, which makes timing difficult".
(Original: "キノコタウン地下に生息する、お尻にドリルを付けた敵。攻撃アクションもドリルを使った攻撃方法で、2パターンある。どちらの攻撃も、ダメージを受けると30%の確率でどく状態になってしまうので注意しよう。(。。。) バトル場にゲランコが2体以上いるときに繰り出し てくる。左右から両方に体当たりしてくるので、ジャンプで避けよう (。。。) ドリル体当たりのときは、ゲランコの顔の向きに注目。向いている方向へ攻撃をしてくる (。。。) ジグザグに動いて体当たりをしてくる。タイミングが難しい") (Page 144)

Nintendo DREAM and M&LRPG3 Perfect Guide Books are translated from Japanese to English (and the text was obtained via an image scanner) so it may not be very accurate.