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Etymology (name meaning): Crocodile + Fawful

Location(s): Blubble Lake, Plack Beach (Jr.'s Journey)

Additional Info: Coleader Crawfuls may shield their leaders (similarly to Morton) in Bowser Jr.'s Journey.


Credit to the Super Mario Wiki for 3DS remake stats and item drop chances.
Game HP POW DEF SPEED EXP Coins Item(s)
DS: 173 149 85 59 170 45 TNT Drumstick (5%)
Excellent Ring (20%)
3DS: 173 180 84 50 170 45 Fiery Drumstick (30%)
Excellent Ring (20%)


BIS 3DS Hint: Defeating Crawful: Crawful will switch up its attacks and heal itself using items such as Beans. To defeat it, try using Vacuum to steal its teeth. That will raise Bowser's DEF and also prevent Crawful from healing itself.

Bowser Jr.'s Journey:
"A creature with a strange, boisterous laugh. The power of its full body strike is nothing to giggle at".
Spanish: "This strange creature seems to always be in a good mood. However, its tackle will not amuse you".
(Original: "Esta extraña criatura parece estar slempre de buen humor. Sin embargo, sus placajes no te harán ninguna gracia".)
French (NOA): "A creature with a strange and thunderous laugh. When it charges up with all its weight, it's no longer time to laugh!"
(Original: "Une créature au rire étrange et tonitruant. Quand elle charge de tout ses poids, ce n'est plus le moment de rire!")
German: "Monster that emits an eerie giggle. When it puts its entire body weight into a mega slam, you'll stop laughing for good".
(Original: "Monster, das ein unheimliches Kichern von sich gibt. Wenn es sein ganzes Körpergewicht in einen Mega-Kracher steckt, vergeht einem endgültig das Lachen".)
French (NOE): "This monster laughs in the most sinister way. The force it exudes with all its weight is no joke".
(Original: "Ce monstre rit d'une manière de plus sinistres. L'écrabouillage qu'il execute de tout son poids n'est pas une blague".)
Italian: "A strange creature with a contagious laugh. What won't make you laugh much are its violent tackles".
(Original: "Una strana creatura dalla risata contagiosa. Ciò che non ti farà molto ridere sono i suoi violenti placcaggi".)
Japanese: "A monster with a goofy, loud laugh. The attacks it unleashes with its whole body are no laughing matter."
(Original: "ぶきみにゲタゲタ笑っているモンスター。全身でくり出すたたきつけは 笑えない威力。".)

Prima Guide: "The Crawful is a silly jokester that lingers around Blubble Lake, just looking for somebody to pull a prank on. Often traveling in pairs, the Crawful has two attacks it performs with one of its props. However, Bowser can have the last laugh on the Crawful by using his vacuum attack to wipe the smile right off the foe's face.
When the Crawful tosses a rock out in front, it is getting ready to do a pratfall. The Crawful runs forward, but then trips over the rock and sails toward the hero. Punch it in the kisser just as it is about to drop in front of Bowser. When the Crawful tries this trick on Mario and Luigi, it crashes to the ground in front of them and releases a shock wave they must jump over.
The ol' banana peel shtick, huh? The Crawful tosses the peel on the ground and then purposefully slips on it. The Crawful slides towards Bowser with its arms out, trying to regain its balance. Punch it back into place.
Bowser can seriously defang the Crawful with his vacuum attack. Inhaling the teeth gives Bowser the DEF Up status change.
If the battle goes on too long, the Crawful help each other out by feeding each other beans. Gobbling a bean restores 60 HP. Once Bowser defangs a Crawful, its attempt to eat a bean backfires and inflicts damage." (Page 160)

M&LRPG3 Perfect Guide Book: "Its stone tripping attack has a high probability of causing Bowser to fall. Counterattack by jumping or punching. If you suck in its teeth, Bowser's DEF will be increased."
(Original: "石ころつまづき攻撃はころび状態になる確率が高い。ジャンプやパンチで反撃しよう。歯を吸い込めばクッパがDEFアップ状態になる。") (Page 218)

Nintendo DREAM: "A large enemy that lives in Blubble Lake. It attacks by throwing rocks and bananas and catching their feet on them. Be careful, as each attack has a different method of defending. When its health is low, it will eat beans to recover. It is also resistant to fire attacks.
It may take out a stone and throw it in front of itself. Then, with boldness, it picks up speed and slams with its whole body. It will attack from above, so try to counter with a punch before it lands.
It also has an attack where it tosses a banana peel. It takes a running start, steps on the banana peel, and slides into the hero. It slides very quickly, so throw a punch early to launch a counter attack."
(Original: "ッツーダレイクに生息する、 大型の敵。 石やバナナを投げ、それに足を引っ掛けて攻撃をしてくる。それぞれ防御のしかたが異なってくるので注意しよう。体力が減ってくると、マメを食べて回復する。また、 炎系の攻撃に強い。(。。。) 石ころを取り出し目の前に投げる。 そして助走を付けて、大胆につますいて体当たり攻撃をしてくる (。。。) 上から跳んでくるので、着地 する前にパンチでカウンターしよう (。。。) バナナの皮を取り出したときはこの攻撃。助走を付けてパナナの皮を踏み、そのまま滑って体当たり攻撃をしてく (。。。) 滑ってくるスピードは速い。早めにパンチを出してカウンター攻撃をしよう") (Page 145)

Nintendo DREAM and M&LRPG3 Perfect Guide Books are translated from Japanese to English (and the text was obtained via an image scanner) so it may not be very accurate.