(^ Him)

Welcome to my site all about Fawfully things!

This is a personal site where I want to compile my findings about Fawful, his minions, and obscure information about the Mario & Luigi series. I HIGHLY recommend using a computer or laptop to view this site, as it is currently not very mobile-friendly.

Fawful is not owned by me. Fawful was created by Alphadream (now defunct), and is owned by Nintendo.


  • Fill out entries for each fawfulized minion and Fawful invention with guidebook information (including info from the Prima guidebook, Mario & Luigi RPG3 Perfect Guide Book, and Nintendo DREAM)
  • Complete a comprehensive list of Fawful's inventions with relevant info about each one
  • Complete a comprehensive list of Fawful Theater NPC dialog and the implications / takeaways from each line (found here)


6/21/2024: Added a bunch of new gifs to the sprite gallery.
6/10/2024: Began making pages for specific Fawful minions. These will be viewable on the fawfulization and Fawful invention pages.
6/07/2024: Updated the headcanon & speculations page to be more mobile-friendly + added a bit more info.
6/01/2024: The gif gallery is now a sprite gallery (which still has gifs in it).
5/31/2024: Added a very simple Fawflant interactive pet (playable here)
5/28/2024: Added a OCs page (links to Trello) and a headcanons & speculation page, where I write about things not very explained in the games (not speculation about gaming rumors or anything like that, speculation about how some things in the Mario & Luigi universe might work).
5/13/2024: Added a project information page and Fawful inventions page.
5/2/2024: Added a gif gallery.
5/1/2024: Tried to make the website a little more mobile-friendly.
4/26/2024: Created a Fawfuigi page.